Then and Now

My husband is amazing!
We've gone from this - one year ago:
To this - today: a room, with a door, and a floor and paint! (and the other rooms of course, but they aren't quite as far along.)
It's pretty exciting. We're hoping to move the boy in soon.

Today while the kids did their thing, I canned beans. Since we have a flat top stove, I have to do the pressure cooker outside on a burner. Which is actually pretty nice. My house doesn't get all heated up, and I can keep an eye on the little one who loves to be outside. 
Plus I was in earshot of the goings-on today. 
The girls wanted to have a lemonade stand.
 It's on our List of Summer Activities, and so I thought, sure, why not!?
So they did. They did it all, from gathering the materials and making the drinks, to taping up signs around the neighborhood. They even went around on their bikes hollering, "Lemonade for sale! Get it while it's cold!"

You probably can't see it, but this rider has signs taped to her front and back which read "Lemonade, 25c."

Business was ... not brisk. (As you can see from the photo.) They managed to bring in a few dollars though, and they came away with smiles at the end.
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