In My Corner

Has it really been 7 days since I last posted?? This week has flown by.
We spent a day out at the farm, weeding garbanzo beans working on our muscles. Homeschool PE. It's awesome. It involved a trip to a certain burger restaurant, which was a good motivator for some of my minions.
We finished up a couple of our school books. It looks like we might actually be on track to finish school around the same time that The Boy does in June. Miracles do happen.
We went to The Boy's last regular season track meet. It was the first meet where we didn't freeze our toes, or get soaked in the rain. And he ran really well, making some PRs in his races (the 800 meter and the long relay). There is a chance that his relay team qualified for a meet of champions ... more info pending.
We made a trip to the library and now whenever I look around I see a girl with her nose in a book. Yes reading is a wonderful thing, but there are times when they should be doing something else and the book gets in the way. Takes me back to my childhood.
Last night on our way home from the meet I saw one of those I-WISH-I had-my-camera things. A man riding a motorcycle, and on the back of it, a little dog, like a chihuahua/poodle was riding in a specialized box/seat. On the back of the motorcycle. And, what really got me - the dog had on goggles. It was hilarious. If only I had a phone that could actually take real pictures.....
It's National Clean Your Room Day. (Seriously, whoever thought of this is a genius.) So we will be cleaning every room in the house. That's MY plan anyway. We'll see how far we get ... with books and all being part of the cleaning ....


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