Church family

This summer marks the 14th year we've been going to our church. We love it; it feels like family.  
We've been singing this song the past few weeks in church. And I love it. It makes me happy - just the sound sets my feet to tapping. One of my girls turned to me after we sang the third verse, and with a grin, said "I love that line!" - I think she meant the 'crushing' part .... Oh boy.

Lately the sermons our pastor has been preaching seem to come to fruition the following day/week. Remember our adventure back when hiking season started for us? Learning humility and leaning on someone else, not just our own efforts, these were two of the life lessons we learned that day. Interestingly enough, that was the point in the sermon we had heard the day before.
This weekend in church Pastor talked about change and the benefits of change. God loves change. People don't seem to like it so much. I know I don't! And wouldn't you know ... today at my husband's work, a big change is in the making. We could dig our heels in and fight it. We could throw up our hands and complain. Or we can embrace it and look forward to good things to come. (I think we're planning on that last one.)
So I'm hoping next week's sermon might be on financial windfalls. Or obedient children. Or sending roses to your wife.


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