Two Weeks of Adventure

Our Independence Day celebration started a little early. Because we had a trip planned starting on the fourth we set off our meager home fireworks display the night before. The kids had saved up some funds, so with a little begging, they got me down to the fireworks stand and came up with these:

So we had a nice little bang before we left for the coast the next day.
The family tradition of July camping lives on -
The kids set up the tent with minor supervision from dad, while I was setting up the food. 
Yeah, I go for the food first!

The campground we were in was packed. Full. Unlike any of our other camping experiences. I don't think my kids were thrilled with it, but we made it work. It helped that there were plenty of cousins around, and a nice little playground to hang out on, along with the beach!

The kids spent plenty of time at the beach. We had some sunburns to contend with when we got home. There was castle building, and moat digging, kites to watch, even some (crazy) wind surfers along the shoreline

Back at the camp there was plenty to do with the cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents, and other relatives who came to visit, or stay. There was an area for the little ones to play in, and the dug and what-else and got amazingly dirty. Happy, but dirty. It's camping, it's what happens.

It took me a few days to get back into our daily life after the camping trip. There was a lot going on around us besides, and my piles of laundry became mountains. The snacks I usually baked gave way to store-boughts. And the swim meets began. 
For the past couple of years, the older kids have been in a summer swim league, which gives them a chance to compete using the swim skills they've developed over the year, or even in the few weeks of summer.
So far we have had 3 meets, only 2 of our kids competing this time. But they take hours per meet, along with plenty of snacks, drinks, chairs, and time. And, it's totally worth it. Especially seeing the girl's eyes light up with each PR race after race.

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