It's All about the swim

What a day!
The Finals for our swim league were held today - and I am not hoarse only because the kids don't hear me when I yell - so I don't yell as loudly when they swim. Water tends to muffle my little voice, and all the other noise around completely squashes it. So I cheer and holler, but not hoarse-inducingly loud.
My girls did awesome today too. I just have to brag a bit here. Our Swimmer girl made a ton of points for her team this meet. Not only in relay which they won (I think!) but in her individual races - the freestyle, the IM (where she had to swim 50 yards of all four strokes) and the breaststroke. She placed second in two of those individual races. And by seconds too.
Our other swimmer, Miss M., broke some of her times from previous meets - some Personal Record's; so it looks like we owe her some smoothies. We told the kids long ago that we would get them a special smoothie if they could PR; occasionally our kids need some motivation this way. We'll be visiting that shop soon.
Our other Miss M has been in daily swim lessons for the past 2 weeks. She is in level 4 out of 10; learning to put the arm motions together with the breathing side to side thing (I never took lessons, so none of this is going to sound very technical at all!!) and she is just learning to dive off the side of the pool ledge.
So we're going through a lot of sunscreen and towel-washing right now. But the smiles on their faces - it's all worth it!


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