And then after the weekend
I have had so much chocolate in the past 4 days, I needed to make oatmeal bread to eat for a snack instead of fishing another Almond Joy out of the bowl.
The girls were the only ones to dress up this time for trick-or-treating. The first door we stopped at (thankfully neighbors we know pretty well) the 3 of them just stood there, not saying a word! We coached them for the next stops. At one door, we heard them say "Trick or treat" before the door even opened.
We sported the Ninja look this year,
the kitty cat, complete with a tail you can't see,
and the Princess, surprise, surprise, surprise.
The boy walked along with us, eventually wishing he had dressed up too. He gets to share in the grub though.
Other than the few hours we put into collecting candy, we did a bunch of work around the house. It was so nice to actually have a free day to do this! Earlier in the week G. installed our new oven! After 10 years in this hous
I finished painting the hallway, yay, and drove another pile of junk to the farm to load up on the burn pile. And the girls helped me bring home a load of firewood.
It was a busy, busy day, but it felt so good to get this much done! Of course, our house is in various states of repair, with boxes, empty and packed, laying around; the playroom is nearly done, the bathroom is in the beginning stage of repairs, the kitchen counters are torn up a little, we still need a back deck, .... ok I need to stop or I will feel unproductive and overwhelmed again.
... looking forward to the next Saturday workday.....
That was one of Rachel's very favorite dresses! But wait... I don't remember her being that little in it. Waah.