
God has been preparing me for this day, for the past couple of weeks.
Today we went in to the doctor for an ultrasound. Our oldest daughter, SaG, wanted to come too, so she got to see her new little sister in the womb. Very cool!
Yes, daughter number 4 is on her way -- well in about 5 months.
I was playing the "What if" game in my head last week; as in What if it is a boy, or What if it is a girl. And I concluded a few things - 1. God knows what I can handle, even if I don't think I can. 2. Little boys have a LOT more energy than little girls... usually, and I am not getting any younger, if you know what I mean. 3. A little girl might be a lot easier to integrate into our mostly female household. 4. I had a lot more morning/evening/ sickness than ever before with this one. So, in my head at least, God was preparing for the wonderful news today that we're having another girl.


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