Happy Thanksgiving

37 items I am thankful for, in no particular order:
37. Being alive for this long
36. 4 great kids
35. a husband who is faithful
34. clothes that fit
33. The Amazing Race
32. Jane Austen
31. Daffodils
30. The way my husband dances
29. the beach
28. cookies
27. babies
26. Fire fighters
25. and thus, police, and doctors, and nurses
24. Zyrtec
23. Learning from the past
22. sunshine
21. college football games
20. healthy babies
19. a very large extended welcoming family
18. Skype and Facebook, so I can visit my friends I never get to see anymore
17. comfortable pajamas
16. heated, running water
15. plenty of food
14. a plethora of choices every day
13. my parents who raised me right
12. my grandparents who raised my parents right
11. an awesome pastor
10. friends who put up with me
9. freedom to do as I see fit in this country
8. responsibility - which keeps me from doing whatever I want and getting into trouble that way
7. cows
6. large, snow covered mountains I can see from our home
5. running
4. quiet moments
3. friends who introduce me to new ideas and ways to see life
2. a husband I still love madly
1. Jesus, who saved me from an eternity in hell.


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