
How often do we smile at people as we pass them on the street, in the store, at church? Often I will smile occasionally at a stranger; most of the time at people in church, since we've been going there long enough to recognize most of the faces.
I was challenged this week by a friend to look at myself and see how often do I smile at my children. !! (Thanks, S.) She heard this from someone else at a retreat she went to. But it sure resonated in my life.
I have been thinking a lot this week about how I treat my kids. This has not been a "fun" week, nor was the last one, mostly because I have so many things on my "to-do" list. And then I get a little cranky when the kids are not hard at work, all the time, on their own chores or school work. So, I'm taking the challenge. I'm still going to have high expectations of them ... but I will try and be a little nicer and happier when I talk to them. And I will try to smile more at them.
This is a good challenge for all of us. We fall into our old routines so easily that we forget what the look on our face is and how people might perceive it. I am so guilty of that!