It's classic movie week at our house.
And because it takes more than one night to view a movie around here, it's been going on most of the week. First run was "Never Cry Wolf", a lovely walk down memory lane for G and I. The kids all enjoyed the movie too - except for the littlest M. She didn't like the main character eating the mice, or when he falls through the ice. (I never liked that part either.) So she opted out of watching the movie and went to bed instead. The other kids had a good laugh at the rabbit who watches the proceedings of this man falling through the ice. They have a strange sense of humor.
Next up wasn't a movie - but G's boss/supervisor came to dinner here. There's a first time for everything. Actually he works in California and was visiting the area for meetings. Knowing how G gets sick of restaurant food while traveling, we deciding to ask The Boss to eat with us one night and give him a break from traveling food. I think he liked it. The sweet and sour chicken was a snap to make in the crock pot; I whipped up some biscuits, popped open home-canned peaches, and had ice cream for dessert. Phew, that wasn't so bad!
But back to the movies; we started "Gandhi" last night. It is a 3 hour movie, so it is going to take awhile to watch. I had forgotten a lot about what happens in the show, so I am glad to be watching it again. It is also giving us a chance to talk with our son about prejudices and how life was different in history and in different countries.
Next up on our Netflix queue, Due South, an older TV show I enjoy. Gotta love the classics.


  1. I like that you're using the movie as a teaching moment for your son. That's so important these days. You can't protect your kids from the world, but you can talk to them about it and give them ways to make better choices. I think that's a mistake so many people make, by trying to completely shelter kids from the world. It certainly doesn't help prepare them for the many things they will have to face one day!

  2. I've been watching the Ma and Pa Kettle movies - that I borrowed from Cindy. I've been enjoying my childhood favorites :)
    ~Mary G

  3. Vecchio: "You're not really going to TASTE that, are you?!?"

    Fraser: "It's evidence."

    Vecchio: "Aauuugh! You tasted it!"


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