Another year has gone by. Another year of ideas and things I want to do, and ways I want to live better. In the beginning of the year I called it my "What if" List,
Here's a look at the list from 2010

What if... I made G's lunch every day? Tried it, but it didn't last; sleepless nights and early rising husband don't work together too often.
... I stopped using a credit card? That has been a great thing!
... went to bed by 10 pm? Hahahhahahahha
... read my Bible every morning? I tried. I made it through most, well half of the year. Again .. that new baby ....
... made sure I walked 3 times a week? Yep, until it started to get really really cold.
... spoke gently to my girls?Still working on it. I feel I have made progress, but still there is always more to do.

And we'll compare it with my What If  list for 2011:
What if ... I read through the Bible in a year? ((I'll try again))
... I ran at least twice, if not three times, a week? (( see next item))
... I trained for a 5k and a 10k race this year? ((we'll leave marathons for next year))
... I ate less cookies and more fruit? ((goes hand in hand with the above two))
... I was more consistent in my life - disciplining the kids, keeping up with grading the schoolwork? Consistency, that's the word for me this year I think.

How did I do for this year, 2011?
Well, I did not read through my entire Bible. But I am starting up again. We have also started - back in the summer - a family devotional that we do after supper each night. We are hit and miss, but mainly because we are busy on some nights, and we aren't going to be legalistic about it.
I have been running at least twice a week, and sometimes more. I have to really dig into this now, because I have a half-marathon coming up in the spring.
I am trying to eat less cookies and sweets and better fruits and veggies. But that is so hard. I think all my teeth are "sweet-tooth's"
And consistency? hmm ... I don't think I have it yet.
Now let me look at the list from 2010 and my progress -
the credit card - rarely rarely does it get used!
bedtime - getting better at that one.
reading - well, it's at night now, and so far so good;
walking? more like running, often.
gentleness? still working on that. I am reminded often that I need to be. "Cold-hearted" was once a term applied to me in the heat of the moment. It brought me up short and often echoes in my mind when I am faced with a difficult situation.

So what will be 2012 What If list be?
I need to train for the half.
I want to work on a book which has been percolating in my brain for a couple of months.
I want to be gentle and more active with my kids rather than "re-active". Some children know just which buttons to push and how to get me burning. I might be counting to ten a lot this coming year.
And I hope to continue in my Bible reading and writing through the year.
Oh, and I plan to floss more. 
Not too many other new goals than that.

What about you?


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