Gettin' Crafty

Last night my oldest girl and I went down to the church for a fun night out. We learned some new crafts and got some great ideas for Christmas gifts. Hopefully I'm not giving any secrets away here ...
We started out singing Christmas carols, and then set to the work. All we used were simple household items and glue guns.
First for our group was earrings. We picked out whichever buttons caught our fancy, glued them together and added the backing. So simple!
After we had made a couple of those and burned our fingers enough times, we headed to the next demonstration - marshmallow pops. Many of you might have seen the cake pops craze going around the country. Well this is similar, but OH, so much easier.
All that we used was a marshmallow, candy cane, and some sticky powdered sugar/ milk mixture. It will be perfect to put in hot chocolate this winter.
After a short break time, my Girl and I headed to the next craft instead of the other food demo. We were short on time and chose accordingly.
This craft - an ornament - we made out of old sheet music! Add in some embellishments, and glue gun, and we were done! SO easy.
I am hoping to make a bunch of them for a certain Christmas gift. We saw different sizes on a nearby Christmas tree, along with garland made our of the same paper. It was so pretty, so Victorian looking.

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  1. Very cute! I saw a wreath made out of book pages that looked really nice. They took the individual pages, turned them into cones, and glued them onto a 33 1/3 RPM record. It would take some messing around to figure out how to do it, but it made an unusual wreath.


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