
For the past few months I've been following this one blogger, who has an amazing knack for getting groceries and paying pennies (onehundreddollarsamonth).
But as much as I read her (funny yet informative) blog, I still pay a lot of money every month for groceries.
But then great things happen, like what I am about to share, that make me "see the light":
Our boy's birthday was this week. So of course we went shopping the night before for birthday presents. We picked up an OSU T-shirt, blanket, and some Nerf darts, along with some air freshener (for our house, not a birthday gift).
The 'original' total was $37.55.
But then ..., I whipped out my gift card I received from listening to a bid on gutters (something we needed at the time) - bing - minus $25
and then I showed the clerk my rewards card, and the 2 coupons I had from a flyer - bing - minus 4
and then I laid down the Money Off coupon I got from the store for being a rewards card customer - bing - minus 6.12
Now my total was $4.43; but then the girls contributed $4 for their brother's gift!
Score! I paid 43 cents!
I love it when this math stuff actually works for me.

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  1. Hello. You are a rockstar! Way to go!

  2. Tell him to take REALLY good care of the shirt... so it's in nice shape when it's passed down (ahem!).


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