Run on

This is the shirt I went running in this week - both times.
Yes, I had more on than just the shirt. It IS windy, rainy, typical Oregon December weather around here.
But I am a running billboard now. I make sure to run against the traffic, so that I can see what's coming at me, and so that they can see my shirt. It's bright and bold and beautiful. (side note - I'm starting to love the color orange. I now own two orange shirts, and wear them regularly. I often let my kids wear their orange shirts when we are out in crowds because 1. They are easier to find; and B. We are silently supporting our favorite OSU Beavs.)

- back to the story -
Does it make you wonder what it's for? What it means? I wondered when I first saw it. Let me tell you a little about it.

A couple we know is on the path of adoption. They want to bring home a sweet little baby from Ethiopia. And they are raising money to make this happen - one way is by selling these shirts! The minus one refers to one less orphan needing a home. There are 5 million children in need of parents in that country alone! None of us can bring home 5 million children obviously, but one at a time ... now that's a bit more do-able.

I have always, since I was little, wanted to take care of orphans. But God has blessed us with 5 of our own little babies, and not made it obvious that we are to adopt (yet?!). So when I meet someone who is adopting or has adopted, I just want to know their story and support them however I can.

And so I bring this couple to you - hopefully you can take a look at their story. And if you want some more information or feel led to play a part in helping an orphan come home, let me know and I can get you their contact information,

You can read all about their journey at this blog:

And I'll keep running, powered by orange.
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