In My Corner

In my corner of the world this week ...
My son's track season started on Monday. I am more excited about it that he is I think. I loved running track back in the day. He needed some running pants, and said he wanted tights too. So we went shopping. And I had him try on a bunch of different kinds. And sadly, I unknowingly made him try on girl pants. Oh horrors! The screeches and howls that I heard about that. Actually he played it pretty cool and pointed my mistake out to my oh-so-nicely.
I have a little secret to confess. Gulp. I bought jam this month. Twice! Bought it. From a store. I have a TON of berries in my freezer and I had to buy jam. 1. because I need a day to make jam. and 2. because I need the pectin to make the jam. I've got everything else ... and I sure hope to have those other 2 (pectin and time) before I run out of jam. We eat it every day, sometimes more than just for lunch, so it goes fast. I thought I had made enough this summer, and our supply has been exhausted. I think the supplier might be too.
Another visit to the ER. This time no stuffed animal for the kiddo in there. Just stickers, and a sling or two. 
I ran 10 miles one day this week. It was Long. It was Slow. But I did Run.
I watched one of my favorite movies, again. It's called "Return to Me." Have you seen it? Love love love it!
I made split pea soup for dinner one night. There is a child in our family who absolutely hates it. But the rest of us either really like it or tolerate it. Took the poor girl nearly 3 hours to eat her dinner that night.
The snow fell hard and heavy here, enough for schools to close. Which, in Oregon, isn't that much. Two days later the sun was shining and people were wearing shorts.
I cried a lot this week. When my daughter was dealing with broken shoulder pain and having to go through painful x-rays, it was hard to hold it together. I also did a lot of praying this week. The two often go hand in hand.
Precious memory of the week - when my 13 year old picked up my friends' 2 year old, who was crying, scared by a lawn mower, and took care of him. Neither know each other very well, but it was a pretty sweet moment.


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