Marching along

Can it really be a week since I posted on here? Time got away from me. Life was busy. And then my Internet went out. And the power was out too.
I had a great post in my mind, made up while I was running last week, but it was one of the days I didn't have access to Internet .. and now it lost forever. Not a big loss ...

The kids have been working on their pinewood derby cars this weekend. The Awana Grand Prix race is next Saturday and we have 4 kids entering their creations. G. might enter another car too. And Grandpa too.

Here is my daughter, the tomato. Seriously, this is what she called herself. I just laugh and enjoy her imagination.
When I saw her in all-red outfit I thought "Rahjneesh".
Thankfully she thought tomato.

A few weekends ago the oldest girl cut her hair. Since then, the next-in-line has been waiting for her turn to get her hair cut and sent in to Locks of Love.
Saturday was the day.
It was much more difficult for me to do this one.
Her hair is so pretty and so long.
I don't think we have ever cut it more than a trim in her 8 (almost 9! she reminds me) years.
But now it is shoulder length, and looks pretty cute too.

I finally remembered to take the family yearly shoe picture! Yikes.
I am 'supposed to' take this in January and here I am 2 months later, getting it done.
The shoes and the line are getting longer. Looking back at last years .... and now this year:
Our tennis shoes.
(Although none of us play tennis, so the better term would be our running shoes) ...
Sorry about the angle. I couldn't get them all in if I went straight!
Notice how my shoes (2nd from left) are now much smaller than the oldest child's next to mine? He is GROWing and eating ALL. THE. TIME.
And here are the shoes of the oldest and the youngest in the family ... makes me smile
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