4 Birthdays and a Wedding

So among all the birthdays we have in April, we now have another anniversary to celebrate
My nephew married a very sweet girl on Saturday, and we went to the wedding.
The church was way out in the country, so it was a beautiful drive (once we got out of the city!) on a beautiful day. We got to see relatives we haven't seen in awhile, and eat some terrific food, and cake. Oh my! the Cake! This girl knows cake! Not just one wedding cake - oh, there were choices! And so yummy.
But really this isn't just about the cake. 
The wedding was beautiful, not just because it was family, but I liked the music - how could you not like Princess Bride?! And the flowers were gorgeous, and the bride was stunning. And the groom was awesome (how many other overused terrific adjectives can I use?!)
We also had a lot of fun with the twist on the popular 'photo booth' that many wedding receptions use these days. They had a board with different relatives wedding photos on them. The photo in between my husband and my girl is my parents wedding picture. 
And here they are 58 1/2 years later.

And of course we needed ours taken again.

Ooh! Cake! (Have I mentioned cake enough times already?)
Whoever did the figurines got them perfectly. They are better than a picture.

I love it when my husband and son get all spiffed up. The Boy was wearing a tie earlier, but ditched at the first possible moment. I wish he believed us when we say it makes him look really sharp.

And here's part of the clean-up crew.
My niece(s) can always make the mundane seem fun.
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  1. I thought of you when I heard the Princess bride song!!

  2. can you make a copy of the picture of Mom and Dad? that is a nice picture to have.


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