
My baby is no longer a baby
This little yay-hoo Little K. has turned 3 years old!
We celebrated at lunchtime on Friday, with a cake - a pink cake of course - and presents.
The siblings would be all away that evening, so she got to have her special time early. 
(Our usual MO is to have the cake and presents after supper.)
Oh, how different life would be without this one. Quieter, and with a little less sparkle in our world. 
She is such a precocious little thing. She keeps us laughing and hopping with her non-stop energy and funny way of saying things. 
She has also been a valuable 'resource' in teaching my older kids on how to take care of little ones. Just the other day my 7 year old changed her sister's diaper for the first time, and she did an amazingly good job of it too. Her older brother thinks that Little K is the best thing in the world besides food. And her older sisters love her to pieces. How could you not love a face like this?
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