1st time

The thing about having kids, there are so many "firsts" - from the first smile to the first word to the first ER trip. We've been through all of those, a few times over. Today - and last night - we added a couple more firsts
Our first broken arm - Princess girl fractured her forearm while running with the dog in the backyard. Can you see the fracture right near the "x" in the photo? (do you know how hard it is to take a good pic. of an x-ray?!)
She calmed down once I got some ice on it and ibuprofen in her. So we took her in this morning and got to take a peek at her arm bones. She has the splint on now - a beautiful pink to accessorize with her outfit. Later in the week we'll go back to the doctor for a cast.

Also last night, G took the older two swimmers to their awards dinner for swim league. They both came home with medals like this:

that say Most Improved on the back of them.
And I'll have some more photos later of the third day of destruction.
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