Books for sale

I've cleaned out the crates for school and weeded out the books we won't be using again. So if anyone is interested here they are. Leave me a comment, or email me.
I have no idea for sales prices right now. Make me an offer and I will probably take it. If shipping is involved, we'll figure that out too. I'm flexible.

Apples 2, spelling drills, 2 books available; brand new
Art A (Abeka books art series), grade 4, 2 pages missing;
Basic Spotter’s Field Guide (weather), 2 books available; brand new
Latin History Reader, for use with children’s Primer A; brand new
Little Annie’s Art Book of Etiquette and Good Manners, a few pages marked;
Sequential Spelling 1 and Student Book, a couple of pages marked;
Singapore Math 4A and 4B textbooks and teacher’s guides; good condition
Singapore Math 5A and 5B textbooks and teacher’s guides, excellent condition; Intensive Practice book 5A, 1st lesson done
Singapore Math, 6A text and teacher guide, 6B textbook, workbook, and teacher guide; brand new;
Super Science Activities – 7 books: Insects, Rocks, Plants, Weather, Human Body, Magnets, Stars; brand new
The Ultimate Home school Physical Education Game book; excellent condition
Watch Out, Storm’s Ahead! (weather) 2 books available; brand new


  1. Hi Julie,
    Hope you are having a nice summer break. :)) I was looking at the books you are selling and I am interested in 4th grade home instructors guides, I bought the textbooks and realized that I will need the guides. How much are you selling them for?


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