In My Corner

In my corner of the world this week
I painted - on any dry day I could. I am about 3/4 of the way around the (original) house.
The cousins came to play again. Fun times all around.
Little Princess lost her first tooth! She was quite excited about it! I think she is the earliest of all the kids - losing one at age 6; the others all waited until they were at least 7 yrs old to lose teeth. Perhaps that explains why we need to take the Boy in this week to have some teeth pulled.

And the roofing materials were delivered. G spent half the week putting on all the shingles on the new part of the house. He got another window installed; and our freezer is no longer sitting on our back deck, with the extension cord running through the laundry room window. The freezer is back in its home in the garage, neatly plugged in.
I took the girls shopping for clothes this week - time to get some pants and long sleeve shirts. We started out wood stove this week. A sure sign that fall is here.
I was able to go for a run twice this week. Not very far, but at least I didn't feel like I was trudging through mud. After my last 5k, my running was difficult. So I took another week off, and it sure felt good to get back out on the road.
I also made a Cost*co run this week and the girls and I had a "samples" lunch. Although they were all hungry again by the time we got home.

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