One of the last days

  It might have been one of the last days of nice weather in our part of the country. The rainy season is supposed to be upon us soon. As in tomorrow.
So I took advantage of the sunshine today.
I had to drop my son off at school, due to orthodontist appointments. And since we were all out anyway, I decided to take an impromptu field trip.
It started with a doughnut. Or rather 4 of them.

And then the road seemed to lead right to a nearby museum. There was an exhibit there of old quilts. Very old quilts; brought over on the Oregon Trail back in the 1800s. It was amazing to look at them, and think of the years that have passed since the women had made them.

There were at least 10 or 15 quilts being shown. Along with various sewing baskets, and bags from that era. One had a lock of hair included in the sewing kit. We wondered what is would have been used for - perhaps in a pin-cushion was my guess.

Of course the was more than just quilts to see at this museum. We wandered the property, following the printed guide, to different homes and buildings.
One big draw was the creek we passed over, with ducks in it. Little K likes animals a lot, and ducks are one of her favorites (the real kind, not the university!!)

so we had to stop and ponder those ducks for a good long time.

On the way out there was a sheep to visit with, and get photographed. I had the three girls write up a poem, about doughnuts, and a report on the museum, once we got home. Fascinating to read a 6 year old's spelling, that's for sure! And the poems were pretty good too. Overall, a successful outing, especially when each of the girls said thanks for taking us there.
Now where should we go tomorrow? :)


  1. If you need any help researching doughnuts, let me know!

  2. I don't know if you've been to the Champoeg museum. They have pictures there made out of saved hair that has been twisted, braided and shaped into the pictures. Of course some of the hair could have been human along with horse and animal hair. It was very detailed. Love your pictures. The quilts made me think of your grandmother.


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