So many years

Fourteen years ago today I was pregnant with our first child. The day is still pretty vivid in my memory when I go back and recall it. It was Monday, the first day back to work after the weekend at my in-laws for Thanksgiving. I woke up feeling .. off. And then started to have a lot of pain in my lower back. As the workday progressed, the pain spread to my front. I had no idea what was going on. Baby wasn't due until Dec. 21st. But I decided to drive home early - it was a 45 minute drive that lasted forever. I am sure God had his hand on the car as I drove, because those contractions (which I still didn't know that they were!) were pretty intense by then. look at that little cherub I called my husband when I got home, wanting him home! And his boss assured him it was probably false labor. heehee After my water broke we both realized it was time! Not since before we were married has my husband driven that fast on the freeway! Baby boy came into the wor...