Our service day

For weeks we had been looking forward to this weekend. Our church was having a special speaker, we had a dessert night that G and I were going to; and there was a city-wide service day planned for Saturday.
And then the chips began to fall. First the oldest girl got sick, and was up at night coughing and hacking. The littles got it next. So last weekend it had run its course through all of the girls. We had high hopes for the upcoming weekend (which is now). We even signed up to help serve in a retirement home in town.
But alas, the bug wasn't done. G and I came down with the cough and sniffles. By Thursday evening I had no voice left. I couldn't even cheer at my son's last football game.
And by Friday morning we knew we should not be around the older folks on Saturday. We managed to make it to the Friday night dessert and not shake hands or cough on anyone. We heard Luis Palau speak on the amazing things God is doing in Portland. We went home energized to see what would be next.
On Saturday we gathered the troops (our little minions) and mobilized in the neighborhood. Actually G took the oldest 3 and went to rake leaves.

They managed to get 6 yards raked that afternoon. Some people tried to pay them but the kids were so good at saying no, and explaining they were just serving.

Those who were home were very thankful for the help;
and the kids enjoyed it. One even said, "This is fun, can we do some more?"
G told them, sure we can, because this isn't a one time thing. 
Christ calls us to love our neighbors. And just little acts of service like this can be loving.
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