A busy time

We've had quite a week smashed into 3 days.
Along with a new hand for myself.
 Every mom needs an extra hand right?
Mine just happens to be made out of carrot.
 'Handy' when the kids get hungry.

We, er, G. finished painting the hallway and ceilings. The kids helped.
Although they really wanted to slide down instead.

In between painting, and chores, and school, my oldest daughter got her crafty side going. She has been begging for sewing lessons for quite awhile now. I finally unearthed my machine, and had it sitting in her bedroom. On her own, she grabbed it, some thread, some material, and sat down to create. She made a skirt, without a pattern, and a sort-of shirt. I had to show her a few tricks initially; and there were a few mishaps with threading and bobbins and such,  but I think she actually learned something while having fun sewing.

Here is how the hall and upstairs looked when I left the house Wednesday morning.
Same as it had the day before, and the day before.
And then I came home from Bible study, and the house .. still looked like this.

But then ... only a few hours later ... Gorgeousness.
We have carpet. Alllll-lay-luuuuu-yaaaaa.
Soft, nice smelling, cushy, comfy carpet.
The kids have spent the last two days bumping down the stairs in their free time.
I joined them the first day.
 What happens when the children grab the cameras? All kinds of interesting photos.
 My daughter and a friend went for a walk, with our cameras, and showed me a different look of the world in our neighborhood.
I was taken in by these photos here:

One year ago, at this time: our latest addition
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  1. love the girls' photos. should print and submit for the fair, in the children's category.

  2. The last picture is absolutely amazing!


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