A new assignment

We are doing some non-traditional school this week in our non-traditional school. We're taking a break from the books, the math, history and science. Sort of.  The changing of the clocks around here can really mess us some little ones. And me. Our tummies are hungry at the "wrong' time; we're sleepy, or not, at the "wrong"time. So since we've been hitting the books pretty hard for 9 weeks, I thought it was time to take a little breather. Not stop 'schooling' completely - although the girls think we have. They even expressed amazement when I said there was nothing on their schedule.
I wrote out some suggestions on what I want us all to do this week - things like sewing lessons, cooking lessons, art, photography; things that we don't normally do in a school week.

Today's 'lesson' was in photography. I had each girl look around and take a snapshot of something that symbolized each family member for them. After uploading to the computer, they got to play around in picasa and 'edit' their pictures. Then they put together a collage of the photos they took.
Finally I had them type up an 'explanation' of their collage photos - why they took them, why the item represents a certain family member. I am hoping to print them out and display them somewhere.

 You can see the box of fire-starter in the first picture. I can only assume that the younger girl took this to represent her daddy. And the bottom photo is one the older girl took and had fun editing.
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