The past holiday

I know, I am slow on getting these out. But I am sure I can find a reason... I'll blame it on the computer again. trying to figure out this new machine has been vexing.
So the girls went trick-or-treating this year. It was Little K's very first time.
I wasn't sure how she would do, if she would get scared at all, or freeze up and say nothing.
No worries though. After plenty of coaching from older sisters, Little K ran right up to the first door and said Trick or Treat" quite loudly. And a Thank you without prompting even. That made me smile. And after that there was no stopping her or her sisters. Little K kept asking for "another house!" How could I refuse the little princess? Well I did eventually and we headed home after about an hour of walking.

The next girl in line made herself in to a cowgirl. No boots that fit her this year, but that didn't deter her. She had a lot of fun anyway.

The princess Bride thoroughly enjoyed the dress up this year. I think it might be her last time too. Her brother stopped at 12 years old, and now that she has reached that age. .. we're not sure if she will want to next year or not. Older brother manned the door at home while we were out, so next year she might help him.

And our middle girl dressed up as the Rich Lady. She had a hat of mine to top the look and the purse to gather the candy. I think her favorite part was getting to wear make-up which I put on her and her sister. 
And finally, here is a picture of the family pumpkins. One for each of us. We put four lit ones on the fence that goes along our driveway, and the other 3 up by the house.
And the candy haul, once again, was extensive. I've culled out the ones I don't want them to have at all, and the ones I knew they would never eat (red hots anyone?) And we still have a ton of chocolate taunting me every afternoon.
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