And the 4th

We had plans for today. Big grand plans. Plans that would blow my girlies socks off. But if you have been a reader here for any length of time you'll know 'my' plans are usually not the plans God has for my day. Sometimes, but not always.
I was planning to spend the afternoon teaching the older girls how to sew. Just the basics, maybe start with the simple pillowcase. I had visions of a crackling fire, a sleeping 2 year old, and attentive admiring daughters.
Instead, we got dirt, mud, and corn. And a 2 year old who hasn't taken a nap in 2 days. Early bedtimes!!
We did make it to the library this morning as planned. And it's a good thing we are doing a non-school week, because those books have taken all of their attention the rest of the day (except for the dirt, mud, and corn part).
So we got a call from the Farmer up the road (aka my parents). We talked about the weather, the health of the family, the flour I had waiting for me from my aunt. Somehow Mom mentioned that Dad had a job for the kids to do. And I knew I didn't want to head out to the farm on grocery-and-laundry-Friday. So after the library trip, and a quick lunch, we headed out for a lesson in agriculture. Not that my kids need much 'learnin' in this area. They know where food comes from. At least veggies and fruit. But the youngest learned about the corn we were sorting. It was for the animals, not for the people. She kept repeating this over and over as she helped us sort it out. And what great help all the girls were. We got through with our task in just enough time to make it over to The Boy's school to pick him up.
So I have plans for tomorrow. It might or might not involve sewing. They do involve the aforementioned laundry-grocery. Aha! - yet another area where the girls can learn something!! We'll just see what else happens.


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