A Berry good day

It's time for the berries! I picked half of our raspberries yesterday morning.
With a little help .
But if that wasn't enough, I had to go and get some strawberries too. I knew that their availability is nearly at an end here, and wanted to get in on the good stuff. So I brought home 24 pints of those. Plus my 4 pints of our own raspberries.

And then I got to work ... washing, boiling, smashing, sugaring, cooking, stirring, pouring ...

After almost 3 hours, my final product of 16 jars of jam. But only because I had to stop when I ran out of sugar and pectin.
But we had strawberry with our breakfast oatmeal this morning, and then strawberry shortcake for dessert tonight. And I picked up some more needed ingredients, so I will finish up with the last of the berries that are waiting in my refrigerator, and making it, and my kitchen, smell like strawberry every time the door is opened.

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