Game Time

We've been having a little trouble this summer with a certain child who continually asks to play computer, or Xbox. That's just not gonna happen in our household when there is sun shining and nice weather. It doesn't last long enough in Oregon to spend it holed up inside playing with some box.
So we gathered some materials and set the Boy to work on making a game.
Some call this game Snakes. Some call it Ladder Golf.
G. managed to get the PVC pipe at a local store for a few bucks; compared to what you would pay for it in the store, we saved mucho-bucko. Hurrah!
We found a bunch of old golf balls laying around the house; G drilled some holes into them and attached some nylon rope (which we also happened to have laying around the house) - hurrah for the frugal folks! (please disregard girl-with-towel-on-head - she likes to walk around after a shower with her towel-turban on. It does great things for her hair, so I don't say anything.)
So now the kids have this game to play outside, along with a Frisbee golf game we have, and horseshoes. I see hours of entertainment for my children this summer!

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  1. My dad did the same thing a few years back to make ladder golf. We've taken it camping and are always the talk of the neighborhood when we play. He also set up some "holeyboard" or some call it "washers" where you aim large washers into three holes of a board. Simple inexpensive games like these have kept the family engaged and entertained for many events.

    I motion that ladder golf ought to make an appearance at our event this weekend!

  2. 'mucho-bucko'? Did you throw that in for my benefit?


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