Swim Meet

Today was the final day of swim meets for the swim league our oldest two kids are in. It was an all day affair.
GK had the two swimmers at the pool by 8 am, which meant leaving home by 7:30. I was able to sleep in a smidge and leave the house an hour later. Just in time to see our girl race the very first race, the very first heat, and she won her heat! I was able to catch all but one of their races. (I took the younger ones home for lunch and nap, and missed one race.) We stayed until the very end, both swimmers being in the relays; we made it home by 6:45 pm, tired and hungry.
What a fun day it was though! The kids swam really well. The friends we hung out with did really well. The younger kids didn't complain too much. I have plenty of leftover snacks for the week. And I even managed to get my laundry done while home at lunchtime!
GK already input the latest race times on the spreadsheet he has been keeping for the swimmers. Both SEK and SGK have improved in their times. With each week and each race they just kept getting quicker. Now my 8 year old is excited about joining in with the older ones next summer.
I wish I had pictures. But photos of a bunch of splashing water - they didn't come out too well. Maybe I'll get one posted of their ribbons one of these days.


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