In my corner

In my corner of the world this past week
I washed (what seemed like) dozens of load of laundry - from camping, and farming, and daily life;
I went to my kids' first swim meet, and cheered loudly even though I wasn't always sure what was going on;
I finished reading a classic book - Little Women;
I signed up for a 5k, for next weekend, and a 5k in September;
I ran with my husband one morning;
I watched my 2nd to last disc of The Gilmore Girls. I don't know what I'll do when it's all over with my next, last, disc. I'm sure Netflix has something new to offer me.
I weeded the corn on the farm and got to a visit with a cousin I haven't seen in a while.
I started reading the book "Lies Women Believe and The Truth That Sets Them Free";
I made jam; and smoothies;
I watched my husband and kids destroy the ceiling in our garage. One step closer to a new addition.
I ate a DQ Blizzard. Haven't had one in so long, and it was SO good.
I learned that swim meets are a lot like track meets - long, tiring, hunger-inducing, and full of excitement.


  1. Good luck on your run this weekend. You'll earn another DQ blizzard!

  2. Do you belong to DQ fan club - get 6 BOGO during the year. Got my birthday one waiting for me. I buy 2 for me - Ed eats his own ice cream!!! I'm selfish on DQ!!


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