7th grade kindergarten

It's my son's first day of 7th grade. It's my first day of 'kindergarten'.
Many parents in our country send their 5 or 6 years-old children off to school, away from home, on the first day of kindergarten. Many of these parents shed a few tears as they watch their little ones take a step of independence away from them. Today I got to experience this when I sent my 12 year old out the door with his dad to start school at a place other than home. I didn't cry though. I know he'll be home at 11:30 today. Tomorrow, however is a full day for him, and I think that might be a little harder for me, and his sisters to wrap our brains around.
It's quiet in the house. There are 4 girls here, and yet it is quiet. The noise and energy a boy brings changes the atmosphere.
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