Another wall!

The fourth wall went up yesterday. It seemed a lot quicker to me, because it didn't have the siding on it, and we didn't have to wait for a crew to help put it up. G, and I, and the Boy did it ourselves.
There were a few minor mishaps in the process, but 'we' got it straightened out and nailed into place!

So now we can lay out some boards and get an even better view of how the rooms will lay out. Trusses and roofing to come soon!
We also celebrated a birthday 2 nights in a row. We 'had' to celebrate on Tuesday because I knew we would be at Awana on her actual birthday evening.

The two older sisters put their money together and bought a gift for the Princess. I was blown away by their generosity!

Some kids really enjoyed the birthday cake!

This is also the night that Little K asked to try mustard, and ketchup. She can now say 'please' in her little baby way, to ask for what she wants. It doesn't always happen, but it's a start! So she pointed to the mustard and said please. I wasn't going to, but G said let her try it. (please note, I am not a fan of mustard. at. all. Whereas, G has it on all of his sandwiches or burgers. And pickles too. Blech.) Well, Little K liked the mustard and kept asking, "please", for more! What!? Gimme the chocolate cake instead, right?

Back to birthday girl. So she got to celebrate with her Awana buddies at church, sharing brownies with them. Then when we got home, we finished off the birthday cake from the night before and gave her the rest of the presents from us. Her response to her birthday, "Thanks for having me, Mom!"

We actually have two more birthday 'parties' for her! Wow, it pays to turn 6, huh?! We have the family - grandparents, etc. coming over this weekend. And then in another week we'll have a party with a few of her friends.
Compared to having concrete poured on my birthday ... I think I will try for a 4 day celebration next year!
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  1. having gone through construction, I think you better wish for a FINIISHED remodel for your birthday!!

  2. looks like the rain got you


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