Another 5k!

I did it this time! I actually accomplished the goal I had in mind when before the race. I wanted to 1. Finish. and 2. Set a PR. And I did. This is the 3rd time I have run the race, and the 2nd time for my husband. I ran in 2008, 09 (pregnant that time) and missed '10 because of baby. So G. ran that year. This year we decided to do this race "together". Of course, it wasn't really together. We started at the same time, and that was about it. Although we almost finished at the same time. G. just had a bad run day. I think it probably had something to do with a full week of working and working on the house;
The course has a long hill in the middle, but the 2nd half is partly downhill. Which I really like. I live in an area with hills and that helps me train ... when I feel like running hills. It was still tough though. I was/am at the tail end of a cold, and blowing my nose while running ... well it wasn't very easy, so I had to slow way down and do that.
I have to give a big thanks to my old high school coach this time around. I played his voice over and over in my head on my last 1/4 mile. And I was able to stride out, kick it in, and push myself through the pain to the end, to make my PR! I ran a 26:42 - which for me is good at this point. Of course, I didn't win, but came in 6th in my age group. Nothing spectacular, but I am happy that I met my goal!
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