Labor Day picnic

We had a holiday here yesterday; did you?
The deck was swept and cleaned.
The primer was, mostly, covered over with paint:
The produce was picked, or bought,

and washed;

Friendships were renewed, and far-away family visitors were introduced to the kids

The top chef got his grill on and made some delicious steaks, burgers, and dogs for us

Little punkin' couldn't wait though. And since she refuses to eat meat, I went ahead and fed her early. Who wants to hear a fussy, hungry baby on a holiday? Or any day?

Again, relatives got to know each other

A football game was started, and quickly abandoned for the food

Of which there was plenty
Overall the picnic was a success. The visiting and the visitors were a hit.
And we who live in this house, went to bed last night  not looking forward to the 6:30 am wake up call.
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