Peace and quiet

I needed a break today. So I went out to the farm with the girls. There has been a lot of stress in the household over the remodel, the roofing, the pending rains. And other stuff. Stuff of life stuff.
And I love the farm, for its peacefulness. When I am out there, I feel so relaxed. I don't know how else to explain it, it's almost like a drug for me. Must be the fresh air and dirt.
So I loaded up the girls, the dog and the bicycles and went to my peaceful place. Siblings - don't be chagrined - I didn't do any work while there. I picked one cantaloupe - out of the refrigerator. And that was it.

Instead I took photos of my girls. They rode their bikes up and down that road, over and over.

The youngest, not being much of a cyclist yet, decided to smell, and taste the flowers. I think she decided they don't taste so good.

Do you see any girls in this photo above? They wanted to hide in the cornstalks and jump out at me. The pink kind of gives it away for me.

I tried to get little K in there, but she wasn't cooperating too well with picture taking. She wanted to play in that dirt! But her sisters got hold of her once we got home - and tried to turn her back into a girly with clip-on earrings. I have a feeling this little one will be a lot like her mama. I loved the dirt when I was little too. And I often forget to put in my earrings these days.

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