Stormy days

The truck with the trusses arrived today. Try and say that 5 times fast!
Actually they arrived Monday morning. Unfortunately, we were unable to get them all across the roof. So they sit up top there in a stack, waiting, waiting, waiting. Still, it is one step closer to having a roof over our heads so to speak.

It also happens to be 'spirit week' at our son's school this week. The first day he had to dress in something neon colored. Back in the day I'm sure both my husband and I could have easily outfitted him. But these days ... the only neon item we own in the whole house is a running jacket. My son wore it ... but I think it was reluctantly. At least is was neon orange! and not green!
Today was crazy hair day. And since he needed a hair cut.... Well last night we decided to get him ready for crazy hair day. G shaved a cross in his hair and he went to school with 4 tufts of hair sticking up on the sides. Such bravery.

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