A Party

I threw a party and people actually came! It helps that they are all related to me, and that the party wasn't for me.
My sister's birthday is today, and I have not been very good in the past about celebrating her day. She however is Always good for the kids' birthdays and other celebrations and babysitting. So I thought it was high time I got a party going for her.
I only asked if she was available Sunday afternoon for cake and ice cream. No mention of other party goers. And thankfully she said yes, so I could get on the phone and invite all those local siblings to come on over. She was a little surprised when she got here and there were already a bunch of others here too!
Instead of cake - because really, who can figure out how much people will eat?? -- I made cupcakes. Easier, faster, and nicer to serve. There was one party-goer who didn't want to wait for the party to eat the cupcake:

But I made her wait anyway.
She did get into the swing of things later, and thoroughly enjoyed her aunts and uncles and cousins and grandparents.

Here are a few of the visitors. Can you see how full our front room was? And that's just half the people in the house.

By the time the gifts were opened and cake was consumed, we were not done watching whatever football was on the TV nor finished visiting. The thing about my siblings and family - we actually like to hang out with each other. Most of the time.
So we got pizza and drinks and continued to talk on into the evening.
We did, however, miss those family members who are far away - and dear niece* - just for you, I'll make sure that you are a topic of conversation next time.
*you know who you are :)
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  1. I thought I commented on this.. so either I did it wrong, or I got deleted :-S
    Thanks for the shout out!!
    I guess I need to something worthy of some positive gossip before the next get together :-P


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