Birthday Times

April is the month of birthdays around here.
3 of this family all within 2 weeks. Add in the extended family, and it is a month long celebration!
Saturday night we held a party at our house for the girls here who have birthdays in April - Miss M. and Little K.
We just invited family this time around - and the aunts and uncles gladly came for cake and ice cream, and cute nieces and nephew of course! The nearby cousins came too for all day  play, which made it really fun.

It took her a few gifts to get into the swing of it. She couldn't figure out why she was getting presents, and no one else was. We kept telling her, Wait there's more! Her little cousin, only 6 months older, knew just what to do, but couldn't quite get that it wasn't her turn. 
My mom went all out and made clothes for Little K. - a new shirt, pants and skirt. K was SO pleased when she opened the gift she had to put them on right away!

Little K also got this sweet home made towel from one of her favorite aunts. The other kids have a character towel also - so our bathroom holds a dog, lamb, bunny, kitty, and now a pig. You can have one too - just put in your order, and she'll whip one right up. They are incredibly soft, and oh-so-cute animals.

Not only did my mom make clothes for my birthday girls, she found time to make this gorgeous quilt for Miss M. I hope M someday realizes, and appreciates, the time and work that goes into a quilt. We sure like home made stuff around here.
((Oh, and Happy Birthday to my husband, brother, sister, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, nieces, and friends. And Happy Anniversary to my brother and his wife. There April is taken care of now. ))
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