
I am trying to sell some of my books that we no longer use or need. Some are brand new. 

Homeschool Books for sale

*Singapore Math – Primary Math series
            6A Textbook, brand new $6
            6B Textbook and Workbook, brand new $6 each
            Home Instructor Guide 6A and 6B, brand new $10 each
5A Intensive Practice $5
            Textbook 5A and 5B $5 each
            Home Instructor Guide 5A and 5B $10
            4A Textbook $5
            2A Textbook, Workbook, Instructor Guide and Extra Practice $5 each

*Apples 2, Daily spelling drills for secondary students – brand new $6

*Sequential Spelling Vol. 1, and Student response book $5 for both

Bob Jones - English for Christian Schools 5, writing and grammar $5

Abeka books:
*Widening Horizons (teachers edition and students edition), Adventures in Nature, Of America 1, Windows to the World - $1 each
*Science and Health 5, - curriculum and lesson plans (copy 2000); student textbook; “Investigating God’s World”; answer key to text questions; quiz key, and test key $5 each
*Enjoying Good Health 5, test, quiz and worksheet key, answers to text questions, $5 each
*History and Geography 5, curriculum and lesson plans (copy 2008); students textbook “Old World History and Geography”, test key; quiz key; maps and activities key; text answers key; $5 each
*Grade 3 Our American Heritage tests and quizzes key; (4th edition) $5
*Health Safety and Manners 3, student text (2nd edition) $5
*Language arts 5 curriculum and lesson plans, brand new 2011 $25
*Reading 5 answer key, brand new 2011 $6
*God’s Gift of Language B writing and grammar work-text answer key $10, and quiz /test key $15, grade 5, brand new 2011 (3rd edition)
*Language 4-6 Chart, brand new $20
*Spelling Vocabulary and Poetry 5, Teacher edition (with CD) $16 and test key $8, brand new (2011)
*Arithmetic 5, curriculum and lesson plans $20; Teacher quiz, test, and speed drill key $8 and student book $5; work-text answer key $16 and work-text $10; Arithmetic charts 3-8 $30; AND Arithmetic Concept cards 5-8 $22; all brand new 2011


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