A field trip Friday

We're going to try and take more field trips this spring. 
We are SO ready for sunshine and warm weather! and picnics!
Today the Boy did not have school - benefits of a private school and Good Friday.
So we took the day off as well. And traveled down to the State Capital.
The kids have been begging me for months to climb to the top. And finally we went. It involved a lot of stair climbing, but I felt safe - which is something for me and my Fear of Heights. See that gold guy? We went to the concrete base of him. A Long Way Up!
Yikes, I had to conquer my fear of heights to do this! But I made sure it was captured on camera that I did.
 There is one of the views we saw from the top. It was so beautiful up there - we could see so far. The wind was blowing pretty well though, so Little K and I didn't want to stay too long.
After going back down the 121 stairs, which was actually more difficult than going up, we headed out to the beautiful cherry tress and the flowers. There were also some fun statues to hang out on, and of course, the kids knew I would be taking the opportunity to snap their photos.
Couldn't resist putting in this super cute one
Clowning around
My 5 little peppers all in a row.
The day was beautiful, the kids were satisfied, briefly, with the outing. Now we can mark that one of the list for a few more years.
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  1. Did you read Five Little Peppers???? I loved that book when I was little. I wonder if you got my old copy :)

    1. We had the book on the shelf, so I probably did read it; all I can remember is the title now! But that is what I was reminded of when I captured them walking like this.


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