
 April is the month of birthdays; And today is a very special one to me.
My sweet G turns forty-something today.
I recently borrowed some photos from his mother, and scanned them into my computer.
I can totally see our girls' features in some of these.

These first two photos are at one year old.
This next one is 3 years old

And the following -- well, I won't give away all his secrets.
They were just a few I liked.
So how should I celebrate my guy's birthday? He's not really into cake or pie. But ice cream? oh yeah!!
We're actually going out tonight - to an auction for a school we are involved with! It will be loads of fun, and good food, and maybe we'll score some sweet gift cards again. We went last year and a had a good time.
Later in the weekend - we have our race! My first half-marathon; I'm not nervous ... yet.
I'm excited and looking forward to Sunday morning!
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