A new season

Time for something new around here:
Track season!
(he's the boy in the middle)
Our son had his first track meet today. 
In the past he has run in city wide summer fun meets. 
But the last time he did that he was about 8 years old I think.
Today was a new experience for him; although we have been to plenty of track meets for the cousins, this time the Boy got to run.
He took on the 200 m dash today, the 1x400 relay, and the long jump. 
And I was impressed and pleased with all he did. No, he didn't get first place, or jump the farthest, 
but he was out there giving it a good try, and had a smile on his face the entire time.
That's what I like to see!
The weather cooperated nicely - sunshine all day and no wind. What more could you ask for at a track meet?!
And I love track meets. I started running in junior high, and up through high school.
I even made it to the state finals in a relay at least twice. One of my brothers made it to state all 4 years of high school. I'm sure some other siblings did too, but I can't be expected to keep track of them all. can I ?!

In other news ... I took the Girl who Climbs, aka Broken Shoulder, in to a pediatric orthopedist today. 
He said the arm was looking OK, and to start doing some pendulum swings. Except that motion hurts, and this girl doesn't like pain so much. Well, really, who does?
He basically said the same things the first orthopedist said, which was good news - no surgeries needed, no pins in her bones needed, and swimming is on the distant, very very distant, horizon for her.

The youngest member of the family had her first carousel ride last weekend. I took the girls out to the carousel with some friends on the last day of spring break week. And Little K. was thrilled with the ride!
All she could talk about was "I ride a horse; up and down" 
Seriously she said that same sentence OVER and OVER all evening long!

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  1. Whitney didn't place in her track meet. Not sure she even enjoyed it. But now she has something to prove...second one tonight.

    Its fun to watch them, isn't it? Congrats to him.

    Hows half marathon traing? Are you ready?


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