party day

 So I wrote earlier about it being someone's 14th birthday.
Since it is 'party' year, the Boy invited a ton of his school friends to his party. We decided to have it in the church gym. Best party I have hosted - in terms of ease and clean up!
We had 16 boys in the gym, for 3 hours, and no one got hurt!
They played basketball most of the time, a little dodge ball, and even some jump-rope and hula hoop. These boys are crazy funny; we sure enjoyed just hanging out and watching our son and his friends.
 Today the Boy had his end of year football awards party. The coaches called each boy up individually and talked about him and his growth over the season.
So what was it that caught the coach's memory for Sam? The shake and bake moves? The hard tackling? Nah, coach said this Boy always was 1st. First on the field, first to the line, first, first.
And I thought to myself, yep, he's been like that ever since his beginning in this world.
He came into the world early and hasn't slowed down.
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