
Christmas is coming. I'm sure you've noticed.
Things are getting busy around our house too.
On Saturday my sister came over and made a bunch of goodies with the girls and I.
We cranked out fudge, caramel oatmeal chewies, peppermint pinwheels, sugar cookies. We were going to make some others, but ran out of certain ingredients, so we'll be making those later.
On Sunday, Little K got to sing in church up in front of the congregation. I was a little concerned she might freeze, or cry. But she did great. I don't think she sang at all, but she rang the little bells she was holding, and looked around at everything. And she looked super cute of course.
I can still recall the older kids doing this each year in the younger years, and just how sweet they look up in front of church in their fancy Christmas clothes.
We hurried home from church and put on our grubbies.
Boots, hats, mittens, and scarves came our of hiding. It was time to get the tree!
The girls were giddy with excitement.

For the past few years we have gone to a certain tree farm and gotten a cultured tree. Its a fun experience for the kids, big or small, with cookies and hot chocolate in the barn afterward. We usually take a train/tractor ride too, but didn't get to this year.

The Boy is now old enough to learn how to cut the tree. Although he didn't actually saw this year.

And every year I love to get a photo of the walking tree.
At least it makes me laugh.
Today we got the tree upstairs and managed to get the lights on it for now We'll get to the decorations tomorrow I suppose. I'm doing things in stages this year, instead of stressing out on all I have to get done.

At this time, last year: love
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