
Friday nights are sure different now, compared to 10, 15, 20 years ago.
Ten years ago we had only two children, aged newborn and 2 yrs. Friday nights were usually very quiet - the kids in bed and us finally trying to relax for the week.
Thirteen years ago we were newlyweds. Friday nights were for eating out, going to a movie, staying up until midnight.
Fifteen years ago G and I were not even dating. Which means we hung out with all kinds of friends, going places, finishing off the work week. Quite a different scene.
Twenty years ago we were both still in college. (Go Beavs!) So Friday nights were usually spent having fun with friends, finding a movie to watch, or eating. Lots of eating. And staying up really late, until the a.m.
Tonight we had Chinese takeout (and ice cream) and then spent the evening playing games with the kids while baby jumped in her bouncy seat. Noisier than 10 years ago. But I wouldn't change it for anything.
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