Reflections Revisited

After having time to reflect further on my day of thanksgiving, I have more thoughts. Go figure.

I have hit the big leagues! After 38 years of life, and 13 years of marriage, I am The One to Cook the Turkey. On the "odd" years when we don't go to a sibling's house from my side of the family, I get to make the Thanksgiving dinner. My mother in-law did contribute to the meal, but I got the main responsibility for the meat. I used a special secret cooking technique one of my friends taught me. It includes 'massaging' the bird with butter (while the girls made gagging noises) and sticking my special digital thermometer into the turkey breast to keep an eye on the temperature. So I go by temp instead of time. And we had a lovely juice turkey to eat!
A friend posted on Facebook: "No Turkey day would be complete without a burn to the hand." In my case it's to the arm. However I must not have felt it too much when it happened. Later in the day I was scratching my arm, a common action for me these days, when I realized that my skin hurt. Then I looked and saw some skin peeling off; my first thought, crazy as it may seem, was "What?! This crazy disease I have is making my skin fall off?!" -yeah, not so rational - but then I recalled the little pain I felt while reaching into the oven... Ah, it all makes sense now. Thanksgiving, complete with a burn (at least it wasn't the turkey!)
Black Friday. A big shopping day for many people. I have not been one to go out to retailers on this day. I did spend the morning shopping though, at a local craft bazaar. It's one of my favorites to go to, very large, and not too far from home. I found a couple of items for presents. Spent some time with my sister and one of my girls. It felt like a great way to spend the day after. I'm a little frustrated with the way retailers are moving the "Big Sales" time further and further up in the day. It used to be December for Christmas sales. And then someone had the big idea to make the day after Thanksgiving the huge sales day. And now - why wait? There are stores holding sales at midnight. Some even stayed open ALL day Thursday. To me that is crossing the line.
Leftovers. I have plans for turkey pot pie (check.), turkey enchiladas, turkey and rice soup. I love having leftovers! We've eaten them for lunch and dinner. I considered having pie for breakfast but just couldn't do it in front of the kids. And then! I learned just how much my husband does not care for leftover turkey. I should have figured this out years ago, since he isn't a big fan of chicken (or pork) either. If I had a better idea how to cook beef, besides ground, I would.
Hope you all had a lovely relaxing weekend! Back to the trenches on Monday.


  1. Not a black Friday person either. Kind of a shopper when we need something, and then I grumble. Love on line shopping, just deliver it to the door. Love the new blog look.


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