
If you look way over to the right side of this blog page you might notice a list of blogs handily referred to as My Blog List. Sometimes I check every single one in a day, sometimes I jump around and pick a few that I regularly read.
Today I decided to spotlight one of these blogs, to give you a chance to try something new, and to give the blogger a little exposure, whether they like it or not!
So I'll go right to the very middle and tell you about ..... "Nate's Nonsense". I came across this blog by reading another blog on my list, Old Picture of the Day. The jest and enmity between the two writers struck my funny bone. I found the historic information included in some of the blogs to be fascinating. And then the ability the blogger has to identify old pictures is just amazing. You see, every Saturday Old Picture blog has a Mystery Person contest, and the writer of Nate's Nonsense seems to know the right answer. Every. Week. How?! I'm mystified. So, now Nate's has started his own mystery person game. I can never guess the photographed person. But I enjoy reading the history and story behind the picture. Maybe you will too. Enjoy!


  1. Hey, so cool! I found your blog and was enjoying the little window on your world, when I noticed the shout out for my blog. Awesome! Looks like you've got a wonderful family. We've got three boys, ages 14, 10, and 8, so it looks like we're in the same age category. Hope to read more when I have time.

  2. Your blog is great too! I seriously don't know how you figure out all those old pictures, or where you get them. But I sure like looking and learning.


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