Snow Days

Today we had the first snowfall of the season. Now I know for some of our family this is not news-worthy, nor exciting. But for us in the Pacific Northwest the first snowfall ... ANY snowfall is cause for excitement and joy.
Before bed last night we kept peeking out the windows to see how much more was coming down. Excitement was already building in our little hearts. Each time I got up with the (teething) baby I peeked out again to see what was there. Nothing coming down, but it was sure bright out.
This morning the girls were up first and came rushing out with squeals. It didn't take long for the rest of the house to come awake. Thankfully they ate their breakfasts and got dressed before charging out to play. And thankfully school has been on hiatus this week too.
The kids played outside all morning, even though there was no more snow and the sun was starting to shine. It was still cold enough though that melting wasn't very much of an issue.
Tonight the snow is still there .. in places. The temperature is dropping. There is no more snow in the forecast. And that's okay. I'm good with one day of snow each month of our winter.
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